Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Good Quote: Bringing People to a Point of Decision

[St. Paul] always contrived to bring his hearers to a
point. There was none of the indeterminate, inconclusive
talking, which we are apt to describe as "sowing the seed." Our
idea of sowing the seed seems to be rather like scattering
wheat out of a balloon... Occasionally, of course, grains of
wheat scattered out of a balloon will fall upon plowed and
fertile land and will spring up and bear fruit; but it is a
casual method of sowing. Paul did not scatter seeds, he
planted. He so dealt with his hearers that he brought them
speedily and directly to a point of decision, and then he
demanded of them that they should make a choice and act on
their choice. In this way he kept the moral issue clearly
before them, and made them realize that his preaching was not
merely a novel and interesting doctrine, but a life. [Continued
... Roland Allen (1869-1947)

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