Wednesday, May 20, 2009

Christ-Centered Preaching... An Apt Metaphor

I just heard a simple but helpful analogy or metaphor for Christ-centered preaching. Kim Riddlebarger shared it on the latest edition of the podcast White Horse Inn.

The first idea to know is that all the scriptures are about Christ. Christ himself said so in numerous places but especially verses like Luke 24:26-27 and John 5:39.

Riddlebarger then states that much of today's preaching in churches is like pastors taking one puzzle piece and carefully describing it to the congregation. Christ centered preaching does that and then relates it to the whole picture into which it fits... the Gospel and Christ. He is the focus of the scriptures.

So pastors need to have a clear view of what the puzzle "box top" picture is when they enter the pulpit and they need to tell the congregation how the piece fits into the big picture of God's redemption of his people through Christ.

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